Monday, June 4, 2012

w/o PO

By this time, if I was susceptible to P.O., I should have developed some type of reaction. No reaction whatsoever. Is this a result of careful skin maintenance or a genetic blessing? You decide.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. kevin (and matt), let me hit you with some

    A:There are only two kinds of people: Those who get Poison Oak, and those who are going to get it. In other words, though there are those who are immune to Poison Oak, their immunity does wear off with repeated exposure. Contrary to popular belief, the more you are exposed to poison oak, the worse the rash gets. You can't become used to it or immune from repeated exposure, the exact opposite is true. Smoking or chewing will not make you immune! It will make you very sorry!
